Worship. Serve. Grow.

Bulletin announcements for Sunday, Nov 6

I AM WELCOME | YOU ARE WELCOME | ALL ARE WELCOME: Today’s stewardship video is on the topic of Community. You can find this and short videos on Hospitality, Spiritual Formation, and Outreach at stpaulscary.org. These videos give a small snapshot of how your generosity through pledging is changing lives. Thank you!

We are hoping to receive all pledges by November 13, Pledge Celebration Sunday. There will be special music at the 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. services and a brunch from 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. No RSVP needed.

ADULT FORMATION: Today there will not be an Adult Formation class. Instead, all are encouraged to attend the Annual Parish Meeting held in the Sanctuary after the 9:00 a.m. service.

Next Sunday in the Chapel from 10:15 – 11:00 a.m., the Scripture and Formation series continues with “Parables of Jesus: The Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man,” led by Garrett Briggs. Coffee is available in the Chapel narthex before class.

On Wednesday, November 2, from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m., join the Rev. J. Carr Holland III for the second session in a formation series entitled “Destined for God: Pathways of Moral Choice.” Child care is available on request. Email Beth Barnes at eanbarnes@gmail.com.

THE ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL will take place next Saturday, November 12, from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Please check our website for more information.

Bakers needed! We need your baked goods to make our bake sale a delicious success again this year. If you can contribute, please check our website for the link to sign up, or contact Gail Duncan at sheldunc@aol.com.

Volunteers needed! We need volunteers to help in all areas. You can sign up to volunteer on the Sign Up Genius link at the website, or contact Katie Robinson at katie015@bellsouth.net or 919-247-3472.
COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS: The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the sanctuary following the 9:00 a.m. service today. Please plan to attend to this important meeting to elect Vestry members and hear updates about our parish. There will not be a formal Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall, but coffee will be served by the Vestry in the narthex before the meeting.

Next week, there will be no Coffee Hour. Join your fellow parishioners at the Stewardship brunch from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon.

EPISCOPAL FARMWORKER MINISTRY needs assistance after Hurricane Matthew. The flooding in parts of North Carolina have wreaked havoc on the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry in Newton Grove. Worker camps have been flooded and many have lost everything. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please make your check out to St. Paul’s and put Episcopal Farmworker Ministry on the memo line. The Diocesan House is coordinating efforts for the ministry and collecting donations. Please put them in the gray bin to the right of the lobby in front of the music room and they will be brought to the Diocesan House. Current needs are for:
Food: drinking water, dry or canned pinto beans, rice, oil, salt, sugar, canned fruit, tuna and non-perishable foods
Socks, Shoes, and Underwear: the only clothes still needed.
Monetary donations: always needed to meet needs.

If you have questions about donations, please contact Gale Herrman at gherrman@nc.rr.com.

CAN’T REMEMBER A NAME? Name badges help put names and faces together. And, sometimes we all need a little help with that! If you have a name badge, please try to remember to wear it. If you need a new or replacement name badge, simply fill out an envelope found on the small desk in the narthex. Your new name badge will appear in the same place in a week or so.

CALLING ALL VETERANS – Let us thank you for your service. If you have served or currently serve in the U.S. military, St. Paul’s would like to recognize you on November 13, the Sunday after Veterans Day, by listing your name, branch of service, and rank at separation in a special insert in the bulletin. Please email that information to nicole.griffin@gmail.com no later than November 3 to ensure that you are included.

In addition, our outreach veterans support ministry needs some additional volunteers. If you would like to help shape this ministry and plan projects, please email Nicole at the address above and let her know of your interest. Prior military service is not required to become involved.


  • In honor of the end of daylight saving time, we are wearing our PJs to church today!
  • Children’s Chapel will be held today at the 9:00 a.m. service only. Children’s Chapel is for children ages 3 through 2nd grade. Please follow the children’s cross processional to the Youth Wing.
  • The 2016-2017 Children’s Collection Basket is collecting funds to host a Note in the Pocket Sort Day on June 4, 2017. Note in the Pocket provides clothing to impoverished and homeless children in Wake County. So far we have collected $560.03 toward our $3000 goal.
  • Christmas Pageant Participation Forms are available in the Narthex and at the Children’s Ministries bulletin board in the Education Building. Be sure to complete yours and return it by next Sunday, November 13!
  • Pre-EYCers please be sure to RSVP to Christine Ingram if you will be able to attend our “sort and fold” day at Note in the Pocket on November. 12th from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Also, please RSVP if you can help with the Stewardship Brunch setup on November 13th.


  • Sunday School: The lesson today is entitled ” Spirituality: Reaching Out.” Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided) and High School meets in Room 10.
  • Advent Play Rehearsal today from 4:00-5:00 p.m. Bring your script and we’ll continue rehearsing. If you want to participate, either onstage or off (we also need production help), please come too.
  • EYC Tonight from 5:00-7:00 p.m. We will be putting up the Advent St. Nicholas tree and hanging the gift tags on it. Also, Rev. Javier Almendárez Bautista will be with us, to tell us about himself and get to know us better. Come join in all the fun.
  • Carnival & Trunk or Treat Thank You: Thank you to all the children, youth, and adults who helped made this such an awesome event. We had a record number of children (that’s a guess because they wouldn’t stand still to count), cars (14 trunks this year!), and donations – we collected almost $500. That will buy a lot of needed items for the Episcopal Farmworkers’ Ministry.