Worship. Serve. Grow.

What’s Happening in Children’s Ministries (Jan 14, 2018)

Yay for warmer weather!  And, yay for a three day weekend!  Sunday School, Children’s Chapel and Pre-EYC are all still happening this Sunday-we hope to see you!

Acolyte Instruction-from Ramsey McIntire

If you or your child is in the 4th grade or older (up to adults), and you are interested in learning to acolyte at St. Paul’s, we will be offering acolyte training in January.  Also, any CURRENT acolytes who have been trained before, but are out of practice and need a refresher, are also welcome to join!  Serving as an acolyte is a wonderful way to support worship at St Paul’s and also learn more about our Liturgical traditions.

We will offer 2 training sessions (Jan. 14 and Jan. 20), provided by Fr. George with support from a few experienced acolytes. Each trainee only needs to attend ONE of the 2 sessions offered. Estimated time for the training is 30-45 minutes.

Please see the following link to a SignUp Genius to sign up for ONE of these training sessions:  http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054bacab2ea5fb6-stpauls2

VBS-Yes, it is time!

Calling all VBS Volunteers!  It is time to start planning our 2018 VBS, Journey to Bethlehem!  VBS will be held June 11-15, 2018 from 9am to 12pm each day.  The curriculum is already written (yay!) so if you want to be a center leader this would be a great year to do it!  Of course, if you want to write your own “stuff,” that is perfectly fine!  Journey to Bethlehem is our Advent/Christmas VBS and yes, we just finished that!  But, in June it will all be fresh and new again!  Please contact me if you would like to serve as a center leader (Story or Craft) or if you just want to help in another way.  VBS Participant Enrollment forms will be available at the end of January.

Teddy Bear Tea-Feb. 3

Looking for something special to do with your younger child or grandchild?  Join us on Feb. 3 at 10:30am in the Parish Hall for our third annual Teddy Bear Tea.  Children are welcome to bring their favorite doll or stuffed animal and enjoy some special treats and fun with you and their “stuffed” friends.  Please RSVP to let us know you will be attending:  www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C094DA4A623A4F58-teddy

Other Children’s News

  • The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket is working toward our 2018 Note in the Pocket Sort Day, scheduled for June 3, 2018.  So far we have collected $1209.66 toward our goal of $3000.00.
  • Sunday School will be held on Sunday and will start at 10:10am in the Education Building and Children’s Chapel, for children ages 3-2nd grade, will be held at the 9am service.
  • Pre-EYC meets Sunday at 11:15am.  4th and 5th graders-please be sure to RSVP to Christine

Sunday School this Week:  The Woman at the Well Spreads the Word

Summary: As Jesus was passing through Samaria on the way to Galilee, he stops at a well to rest. There he meets a woman who comes by to draw water from the well. Jesus asks her for water and she, amazed that he, a Jew, has addressed her, a Samaritan and a woman, asks Jesus how he comes to ask her for a drink. Jesus then talks to her about the water he gives— living water, by which he means himself. At first the woman does not understand, but as the conversation moves on, she comes to see Jesus as the Messiah. Excited, she goes back to her town to tell everyone, who then begin to believe in him.

Episcopal Thread: A woman is an early evangelist for Christ, one who was “called” to preach the Good News. The Episcopal Church has ordained women to the priesthood since the 1970’s, recognizing that gender is not a barrier to a holy calling. By the same token, the Episcopal Church recognizes that, in one way or other, all are called to preach the Good News of God in Christ. This is one of the promises that we make when we are baptized, and when we renew our baptismal vows (see BCP p. 305). Men, women, children are all God’s agents of hope and reconciliation to the world.

Things to wonder with your children:

■■ Who did Jesus meet in today’s story?

■■ What did Jesus tell the woman about water?

■■ How did the woman respond to Jesus?

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about Children’s Ministries.

See you on Sunday!


Christine Owens Ingram, SPHR
Parish Administrator and Director of Children’s Ministries

2018 Children’s Calendar

Jan. 7 Sunday School/Children’s Chapel Resume
Jan. 14 Pre-EYC Meets 11:15am
Jan. 21
Jan. 28 Pre-EYC Meets11:15am/Quarterly Update 10:15am
Feb. 3 Teddy Bear Tea 10:30am-12noon
Feb. 4
Feb. 11 Pre-EYC Meets
Feb. 13 Pancake Supper 5-7pm
Feb. 14 Ash Wednesday Service for Families 5:45pm
Feb. 18
Feb. 25 Pre-EYC Meets
Mar. 4
Mar. 11 Pre-EYC Meets/Note in the Pocket Drive Begins/PJ Sunday
Mar. 18 Note in the Pocket Drive
Mar. 24 Pre-EYC Volunteers at Food Bank of NC 2-4pm/Note in the Pocket Drive
Mar. 25 Palm Sunday/Note in the Pocket Drive/No Sunday School
Mar. 30 Good Friday Service for Children 10am
Apr. 1 Easter Sunday/Easter Egg Hunt/Note in the Pocket Drive Ends/No Sunday School
Apr. 8 Spring Break Sunday-No Sunday School
Apr. 14-15 Pre-EYC Retreat
Apr. 15 Communion Class #1
Apr. 22 Communion Class #2
Apr. 29 Communion Class #3/Pre-EYC Meets
May. 6 Communion Celebration 9am Service/Last Day of Sunday School
May. 13 Mother’s Day
May. 20
May. 27 Memorial Day/No Children’s Chapel
June. 3 5th Grade Recognition/Note in the Pocket Sort Day
June. 10 Summer S(f)undays Begin

June 11-15       VBS!