Worship. Serve. Grow.

What’s Happening in Children’s Ministries (Sep 1, 2019)

No Children’s Chapel this Sunday because of the Labor Day holiday weekend.

Sunday School begins September 8th at 10:10 am in the Education building. Sunday School is for children ages 3 years old through 5th grade. Pre-registration is not necessary, but you may fill out the form (CLICK HERE) in advance and bring it with you on September 8th. Printed forms will be available in each classroom for you to fill out on the first day.

Sunday School Blessings: Join us at the September 8th 9am service to receive a special back-to-Sunday-school blessing.

Sunday School Teacher Sign-Up: Thanks to all of you who have already volunteered. We appreciate you! We still have 1 more position to fill (4th grade or 5th grade, your choice). Please email churchschool@stpaulscary.org if you’d like to teach.

All the best,
Children’s Ministries