Worship. Serve. Grow.

Youth News (Feb 4, 2018)

Thank you to everyone who came out last Sunday to deliver the flyers for our annual Souper Bowl food collection. It was cold and wet, but everyone was a trooper. Thank you too for your patience with our IHOP trip. I apologize for the reeaalllyy long wait. Youth and parents alike behaved very well and were very gracious in dealing with a longer-than-expected EYC.  At least the pancakes were good!

I hope all of you can come back Sunday to go back around the neighborhood to pick up the donations. We only meet from 4-5 Sunday, so you can get home for the Super Bowl. Dress for the weather again. And the faster we get the food, the more time we will have for Scatterball. I will need 4 drivers to go with the kids to pick up the food. Can any of you help?

There’s still more going on, so check out the events below:

YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS:   !!!Action Required   ***Time Sensitive  

 Regular Events

  • Sunday School 10:15-11 am: The lesson Sunday is entitled “Peace & Justice – Environmental Issues: Saving for Later.” Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided) and High School meets in Room 10.
  • Murder Mystery Rehearsal: 3:30-5 pm Sunday. Please note the change in time.
  • EYC Sunday 4-5 Souper Bowl Food Pickup: Please note the change in time. Dress for being outside and running!

Upcoming Dates

  • !!! Becoming the Beloved Community Beginning Sunday 2/18: Church of the Nativity in Raleigh will be hosting a series of programs focusing on Racial Justice and Reconciliation. The series will begin with “Tired Souls: The Montgomery County Bus Boycott,” a performance by award-winning playwright and actor Mike Wiley, followed by a workshop lead by Mike. Then on each Wednesday evening through Lent, Nativity will host a 1 ½ hour program on various topics on this theme. More details about the Wednesday evening programs can be found at http://nativityonline.org./ RSVP’s are needed (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdaAguP5GTAFBPg2gxYqxFizYPRZvHdEvX3Y4H_–ehWFowaQ/viewform?c=0&w=1). I am going, so contact me for carpooling if you or your youth want to attend. The Mike Wiley performance will be phenomenal
  • !!! Bishop’s Ball February 23-25: This Diocesan event is full of awesome activities and workshops – and the Bishops are there. There is a formal dinner, followed by a celebration Eucharist and dance with a DJ Saturday night. Most participants dress up for Saturday evening’s festivities. The cost is $100 and scholarships are available. Register online: http://www.dionc.org/Youth/youth-main.html. This is an amazing event!

See you Sunday.


Leah Dail
Youth Program Coordinator