Worship. Serve. Grow.

Youth News (week of Feb 19, 2017)

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
to which indeed you were called in the one body.
And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15


This is one of those times that starting my weekly letter is hard. There are so many youth ministry things in my head right now I guess I’m not centered enough to write. So, I’ll just be thankful and rejoice in all the abundance and joy that surrounds me in youth ministry. I don’t say it enough –thank you for your gifts of time and talent and especially the gift of your children. They are such a source of joy!

The Youth Committee and I have been working on finalizing the calendar for the spring. We’ve got such an amazing slate of activities planned – lots of fun and fellowship, a deep dive into faith (it happens even during the “fun” events), a lot of what the youth have been asking for, and a variety of outreach and service for us. I’ve attached the schedule which includes faith formation, EYC, service, Diocesan events, and anything else youth ministry is doing.

Here the youth news for this week:


Regular Events

  • Sunday School: The lesson Sunday is entitled “Depression & Suicide: Letting Go of the Past.” Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided) and High School meets in Room 10.
  • Murder Mystery Play Rehearsal Sunday 4-5 pm: We’ll meet in the Parish Hall to rehearse. Remember: no script for rehearsal, so memorize your lines!
  • No EYC Sunday: Due to the Diocesan Event this weekend, we won’t meet Sunday.

Upcoming Events

  • Confirmation Classes: Confirmation preparation will consist of six sessions held during the Sunday morning education hour beginning Sunday, February 26 and running through April 2. Classes will meet at the Curry Center. The sacrament of Confirmation will take place on Sunday, April 23 by The Bishop Ann Hodges-Copple. The classes are offered to teenagers who are at least in the 9th grade and who have not yet been confirmed. The only prerequisite is Baptism. There is also an overnight service component.
  • The 30 Hour Famine, on 3/10 & 11. Please note the date change. We will also have a Confirmand Brunch on 3/19 at 12:30 in the Parish Hall. Please contact Leah Dail (leah.dail@stpaulscary.org) to enroll in the class or if you have any questions.
  • Brown Bag Ministry, Saturday, February 25 9:15-11:30: Come help us bag lunches at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church in Apex. This is a fun, very worthwhile, service opportunity. We’re meeting there, but please sign up at http://bit.ly/2lLi4RO.
  • 3rd Annual Murder Mystery Dinner & Fundraiser “Mt. Rushmore’s Revenge” Saturday, February 25th 7 p.m. Back by popular demand, the youth of St. Paul’s will be presenting another juicy murder mystery and dinner. Our mystery is set at the Rushmore Beauty Academy for women. Things are getting interesting when the Board of Regents decides to admit men! It’s so upsetting that someone – but who?? – is driven to murder. Come help discover who done it. Dinner will be a scrumptious three course Southern-themed meal. The event will be from 7-9 pm and child care will be provided. Tickets are $20.00 per person and there will also be a wine cash bar. Proceeds will go towards Youth Mission trips. Please RSVP at: https://goo.gl/forms/RCvc3cbo8ejgfszH2.
  • February 24 – Murder Mystery Dinner Dress Rehearsal 6-8 pm – all youth invited to come find out what needs to be done for the event and watch the dress rehearsal. Dinner will be served.
  • February 25 – Murder Mystery Fundraiser 5-10 pm – youth come at 5:00 to get everything ready. Wear white shirts and black pants/skirts. everyone needs to stay for cleanup.



Click HERE for a PDF copy of the Youth Calendar.


Leah Dail
Youth Program Coordinator