Worship. Serve. Grow.

Greeter Ministry Update

The new Greeter Ministry has gotten off to a great start!  We are grateful for all of our welcoming and friendly greeters who enjoy meeting visitors and newcomers each Sunday.  And, thank you to the ushers who help to identify visitors and steer them to our greeter table.  We have a great team, but we are always looking for new greeters, especially for the 11:15 a.m. service.  And, since we occasionally have visitors at the 7:30 am service, we may add that service to our schedule.  But first, we need parishioners who would be willing to be a greeter for this early service.

You may be asking what the greeters do each Sunday.  We strive to identify worshipers who may be visiting St. Paul’s for the first time, and those newcomers who may have been coming for a few weeks, but still need a friendly face to welcome them and offer information about our church.  Perhaps you have seen our new greeter table with all the colorful bags, and are wondering what that is all about.  Each visitor/newcomer family gets a blue bag that contains information about St. Paul’s, and some of the ministries we support.  If they have young children, each child gets a small colorful bag with crayons, pipe cleaners and children’s bulletins.  There is also information about Children’s Ministries and Kid’s Club. 

So, if you see someone with a blue bag and maybe a small colorful kid’s bag, please make an effort to welcome them and introduce yourself.  You can also invite them to join you at coffee hour or adult formation.  We must depend on all of our parishioners to live into our motto that “All are Welcome.” 

Once again, if you are interested in becoming a part of the Greeter Ministry, please contact Karen Smith by email at karenlsmith111@gmail.com, or by phone at (919) 360-1469.