Worship. Serve. Grow.

Announcements for Sunday, Sep 4

ADULT FORMATION begins Sunday, September 11, 10:15 – 11:00 a.m. in the Chapel with “The Strange New World of the Bible”, led by the Javier E. Almendárez Bautista. Coffee will be available in the Chapel narthex before class.

Wednesday evening, September 14, 7:00 – 8:00 pm in the Youth Wing, the first session in a three-week formation series entitled “Images of God,” will be held. Join the Rev. George Adamik as he leads us through an exploration of our images of God and invites us to consider new images as well. Child care is available on request to Beth Barnes, eanbarnes@gmail.com. All are welcome to attend. There is no sign-up or preregistration.

COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS: There is no coffee hour this Sunday due to the Labor Day Weekend.

Next week the Newcomer Ministry will be hosting coffee hour in the parish hall. Come join them for coffee and refreshments and to find out more about this ministry of welcome. There are opportunities for greeters, bread bakers and deliverers, and telephone callers.

THE CARYING PLACE: St. Paul’s is a sponsor of the 9th Annual Race for Home thanks to a generous sponsorship donation from a parish family. The Race for Home takes place on Labor Day, September 5, with gates opening at 7 a.m. for a 10K, 5K, and Fun Mile. It benefits The Carying Place, a local non-profit working with homeless families to help them develop life skills while providing short-term housing and support. St. Paul’s is engaged in this good work through our St. Nicholas ministry, Prayer Stitchers, and our support of Dorcas Ministries. Since St. Paul’s is a sponsor, all members of our community can participate for free! More information is available at https://runsignup.com/Race/NC/Cary/CaryingPlaceRace. On the final registration page, participants should enter coupon code StPaulsSponsor. Thanks to our gracious parish donors and to everyone who will walk, run, and have fun together on September 5!

CALLING ALL CRAFTERS! Do you have a hobby? Painting, ceramics, quilting, woodworking, something else? The Arts & Crafts Festival for Outreach is looking for new, handmade items to sell at the St. Paul’s Table. The Festival will take place on Saturday, November 12, with proceeds going to Outreach. If you have items to donate, please contact Brock Fransen, bfransen@bellsouth.net or 919-481-1026.

PEOPLE OF ALL COLORS AND CULTURES TOGETHER (PACCT) will meet on Tuesday September 6th, at 7PM in the Conference Room. Please RSVP by September 5th. For additional information contact Andrea at 919-348-9599 or jang7e@gmail.com.

CHURCH WORK DAY: Please join us on September 24th for our next volunteer work day! Our buildings are due for a bit of maintenance and “TLC.” We will need help with painting, washing, replacing, installing, removing, and even de-greasing around campus! We will meet in the parish hall 9:00 a.m. and will be working for most of the day. Please feel free to come as you are able. For additional information or to offer up specific talents/resources, please contact Brent Hauser at 336-407-3285 or at bdhauser@gmail.com.

STOP HUNGER NOW: We have another wonderful opportunity to pack meals with Stop Hunger Now coming soon. We need about 70 volunteers to make this a successful event. The event is Sunday, October 9th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the parish hall. We will be packaging 13,000 meals. For those of you new to Stop Hunger Now, this is a multi-generational ministry that packs meals to be shipped both outside and within the US. addressing hunger needs to those affected by natural disasters, poverty, and war. One of the primary recipients of SHN meals are schools where there is a feeding program and as a result many more female children are attending school and thus getting an education on a global level. Contact Glenda Swann at swann.glenda@gmail.com for more information or to sign up.

THE FELLOWSHIP EVENTS TEAM invites you to Una Serata Italiana on September 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the parish hall. An Italian evening which includes a great dinner menu and fabulous live authentic Italian music. Join us for this special event of food, music, fun, and fellowship. Tickets $15.00 per person and are on sale after the Sunday services. For more information, contact Toni Holderied 919-387-8225 or tholderied@gmail.

THE WOMEN’S STUDY GROUP will meet on Tuesday, September 13th from 12-1:30 in the Bride’s Room to discuss Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth by Reza Aslan. From Amazon: “a fascinating, provocative, and meticulously researched biography that challenges long-held assumptions about the man we know as Jesus of Nazareth.” We hope you can join us for wonderful discussion and fellowship. For more information, contact Leah Dail (leahdail@gmail.com).

LOBSTER FEST: On-line ordering is now open! Go to lobsterfestcary.org, and stake your claim now for live or cooked 1 ½ lb. fresh Maine lobsters, lobster meals (and chicken meals if you have a non-lobster “folk” in your family), and the ever-popular Quarta Pounda Lobsta Roll (quarter pound of juicy lobster meat, a little sauce, a grilled La Farm Bakery bun, and slaw / chips / brownie on the side. Irresistible!) Saturday, October 1 is Lobster Fest. Make sure that whatever you are planning that day, it includes a lobster or a lobster roll!! And now is the time to start handing out Lobster Fest business cards, put up Lobster Fest flyers (both available in the narthex) and work / have fun a few hours at the event. Go lobsters!

MYSTERY BOOK CLUB: Do you like to read a good mystery? Come join us on the 1st Tuesday of every month. Next meeting Tuesday September 6, 2016. We will be discussing Still Life by Louise Penny, the 1st book in the award winning Chief Inspector Gamache series. We meet at the Starbucks, 1107 Cary Towne Blvd. near the Cary Towne Mall. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Collins at

GET TO KNOW THE REV. JAVIER E. ALMENDÁREZ BAUTISTA on Saturday afternoon, 4:00 p.m.– 6:00 p.m., September 17, 2016. The Senior Ministry will sponsor a “Meet and Greet” event in the parish hall. We have invited Javier, our new Associate Rector, to join us in sharing experiences of St. Paul’s and its ministries. Please help us welcome him by bringing a snack; the Senior Ministry will provide beverages. It would also help if you would RSVP the Sign-up Genius on the St. Pauls’ website or contact Jean Huey at jehuey@outlook.com or 919 -303-5769. If you need transportation pleasw contact Jean Huey.

CALLING MOTHERS OF HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS AND SENIORS AND COLLEGE FRESHMEN: Feeling overwhelmed by the SATs, ACTs, GPAs, and APs filling every spare minute of your 11th or 12th grader’s life? Does your college freshman only come home to do laundry and visit with friends? Are you trying to navigate how to be a mom as your teenager transitions into this next great phase of life? Then please join us for MOMS College Conversation, a place for informal discussion where moms in the process can connect, and moms who have “been there, done that” can offer reassurance that all of it is survivable.
Unlike previous MOMS classes, there is no structured curriculum for MOMS CC and no weekly commitment. It’s just a chance to come together and support one another through the stresses of college admissions and our young people’s first year away from home. You need not have participated in previous MOMS classes to take part in MOMS CC but you should have or have had a high school junior or senior or a college freshman. We’ll gather for the first time on Tuesday, September 20 at 7 p.m. in the youth wing. Email katiebricio13@gmail.com with questions. Come share, learn, and help us shape this newest version of the MOMS ministry.

• Children’s Chapel Updates: Children’s Ministries is on vacation today so there will be no Chapel at either service. Children’s Chapel resumes next week at the 9am and 11:15am worship services.
• Are you ready for NEXT SUNDAY? Children’s Ministries can’t wait to welcome back all children to Sunday School! Please join us on Sept. 11 at 10:15am in the Education Building. Class assignments are determined by age and class locations are posted above the classroom doors. See you soon!!!
• Please start collecting new Socks and Undies for our first set of Socks and Undies Sundays for Note in the Pocket, scheduled for Sept. 11-Oct. 9. We are collecting new socks and undies-any gender, any size-for children in need in Wake County. Look for sales and clearance items! Note in the Pocket will also accept new and like-new clothing and shoes (any size /gender)-bring those for our collection bin too, which will be placed in the Narthex.
• Be in touch with “What’s Happening!” If you are not receiving a weekly “What’s Happening in Children’s Ministries” email from Christine Ingram, you could be missing out on very important Children’s information. Email Christine at christine.ingram@stpaulscary.org to be added to the weekly distribution list and be the first to know Children’s information!

• Sunday School Classes Resume Sunday, September 11. Come fellowship and learn together this year! Classes meet in the same locations: Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided) and High School meets in Room 10. The Education Hour is from 10:15-11 am.
• Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) Resumes Sunday, September 11 from 4-7 pm. Come join us for some zany fun and good food. You can catch up with old friends and meet some new ones. Don’t forget to dress to play games!

REFUGE FOR REFUGEES: Thanks to all of you, we have successfully settled our SECOND refugee family this year! There are several volunteer opportunities available to help our newest family. They could use some help being driven to appointments. And they are very much in need of ESL instruction. Please see the website to sign up. THANKS!