Worship. Serve. Grow.

Bulletin Announcements for Sunday, Apr 22, 2018


Please remember to silence your cell phones.


  • The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket is working toward our 2018 Note in the Pocket Sort Day, scheduled for June 3, 2018. We have collected $2209.61 toward our goal of $3000.00.
  • Children’s Chapel will be held at the 9:00 a.m. service for children ages 3 through 2nd Sunday School will be held at 10:10 a.m. in the Education Building.
  • Communion Classes continue today! Please meet Father Javier by the Healing Prayers Station in the Sanctuary after the 9:00 a.m. service.
  • Parent Communion Class will meet today at 10:10 a.m. Please meet Father George in the kitchen side of the Youth Wing.
  • Today is the last day to bring clothing donations for the Note in the Pocket collection bin. Thank you to everyone who was able to donate!
  • Pre-EYC wraps up its year with a family picnic / playground clean up next Sunday, April 29, at 11:15 a.m. All current 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders and their families are invited to attend.  Watch your email for more details!
  • VBS Registration is filling up! Registration forms are available in the Narthex.


  • Sunday School: The lesson today is entitled “Success & Failure: Teach Us to Be Humble.” Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided) and High School meets in Room 10.
  • EYC Tonight 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.: MUSIC! We are going to listen to some popular songs and talk about what they mean to you, how it makes you feel, and where we might find God even in songs on your playlists.  If you have a song suggestion for us to listen to, let us know.  We’ll also talk about how we want to incorporate more music into Youth Ministry events and get your suggestions for that.

ADULT FORMATION: Spiritual Practices in Daily Life, Sundays in the Chapel, 10:15-11:00 a.m.  Join us as we begin this exploration of spiritual practices that you can take home with you, as well as how our Sunday worship informs what we can do on our daily walk with God and our neighbors.  The Rev. J. Carr Holland will lead our discussion, “Sacred Listening in Relationships.”  Next Sunday, April 29, 2018, the Rev. Javier Almendárez Bautista will lead the session, “Sacred Listening in the Public Sphere.”

Half Truths: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things the Bible Doesn’t Say, Wednesday evenings in the Youth Wing, 7:00 p.m.  The Adult Formation Committee invites you to the start of this five-part video and discussion series.  The video, by Methodist pastor and author Adam Hamilton, questions the Biblical basis for five common statements and why Hamilton finds that each statement contains partial truth.  This Wednesday we’ll examine the statement: “Everything Happens for a Reason.”

APPALACHIA SERVICE PROJECT CHORE DAY (ASP):  Need some help moving that mulch you just bought?  Maybe you need some help in the yard or spring cleaning?  ASP volunteers are here to help.  To help fund our mission trip to Tennessee this year, we would like to help you with some of those spring chores on Saturday, May 12th from 8:00 a.m. to noon.  We will fit in as many jobs as we can, but it is a first come first serve!  Please contact Susannah Vitaglione at susannahv@gmail.com or 919-619-5103 if you would like to hire some ASP youth volunteers.  (Please keep in mind that we won’t be using dangerous machinery or picking out poison ivy.)

MONTHLY DEVOTIONALS: Welcoming in Christ is the discipleship-stewardship emphasis linking St. Paul’s 60th Anniversary and the Anniversary Capital Campaign.  To supplement this, each month a special devotional reflection will be offered.  The theme for April is “Easter Celebrations of Renewal and Resurrection:  Children and Youth.”  You can find these devotionals on our St. Paul’s website (www.stpaulscary.org).  If you’d like to share your thoughts on a theme, you may email them to reflections@stpaulscary.org.

ARTS AND CRAFTS FESTIVAL:  Our 6th Annual Arts & Crafts Festival for Outreach will be held on Saturday, November 10, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  If you are interested in selling your handmade items at the festival, please contact Anne Babb at rbabb@nc.rr.com for an application or more information.  Applications from St. Paul’s members must be received by May 18 to be considered for early acceptance.  Please remember all items must be handmade by the vendor.  For general questions about the festival, please contact Sally Moller at sbm2@nc.rr.com.

COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS:  The Vestry is hosting coffee hour in the Parish Hall following the 9:00 a.m. service today.  The Vestry serves our parish by providing leadership; setting goals and budget priorities; planning for the future; and monitoring resources and finances.

Next week the Julian Gathering will be hosting coffee hour.  This small group meets at 9:15 a.m. in the Cry Room on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month for contemplative prayer and discussion of the writings of Julian of Norwich.  Stop by the Parish Hall to learn more about this unique opportunity for prayer and study.

MOMS TRANSITIONS:  Please join MOMS Transitions (formerly MOMS College Conversation) for conversation and fellowship on Thursday, April 26, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Youth Wing.  Open to mothers of high school juniors through young adults, this is a time to get together, share wisdom, and enjoy each other’s company.  There is no preparation or homework.  Bring a snack to share and join us!  If you have questions, contact Alana Loughlin at alanaloughlin@bellsouth.net, Katie Bricio at katiebricio13@gmail.com, or Aleta McClenney at aleta@att.net.

MINISTRY OF MOTHERS SHARING (MOMS) is preparing two fall sessions:  one for “Baby Moms” (infants through 5th graders) and one for “TNT Moms” (teens and tweens).  The focus of MOMS is connection, support, and growth during the changes and challenges you will face on your motherhood journey.  The groups will meet one evening per week for seven weeks starting in September and ending in October.  See the website for more details as we get closer, and email Ann Lockhart at annlockhart1@gmail.com to get on the interested list or with any questions.  Attention MOMS Alumni: we will be calling on you for logistical support, so watch your email. Thanks!

SENIOR MINISTRY ARBORETUM TOUR:  Ready to enjoy a walk in a nationally acclaimed garden where the plants are especially adapted to our NC Piedmont climate?  Come join the Senior Ministry for a docent-led tour at the JC Raulston Arboretum (4415 Beryl Rd, Raleigh) on May 17 at 10:30 a.m.  The cost is a $5.00 donation, and parking is free.  If you wish to carpool, meet at the church at 10:00 a.m.  Following the tour, join us for lunch at Briggs in the Tryon Village Shopping Center.  We plan on meeting there at noon.  Lunch will be at your own expense.  To RSVP via Sign-Up Genius, please go to the St. Paul’s website, or contact Jean Huey at jehuey@outlook.com or call 919-303-5769.

RESILIENCE PLANNING COMMITTEE will meet today (April 22nd) at 4:00 p.m. in the back of the sanctuary.  The group will discuss options for showing Resilience, a movie about the long-term effects of childhood trauma, for St. Paul’s parishioners and, perhaps, for other members of our Cary community.  Any parishioner with an interest in this topic is welcome to attend today’s meeting.

 PULSE MINISTRY: Guess Who’s Calling: Three times a year, the members of the Pulse Ministry will call parishioners to ask a couple of survey questions and jot down their responses.  You may be one of these randomly selected parishioners!  This is an awesome opportunity to share your opinion on two questions: (1) What do you like about St. Paul’s and (2) Are there any changes you would like to see in the services and/or programs at St. Paul’s.  Often, we choose not to answer the phone if we do not recognize the phone number.  If this occurs, Pulse members will leave a message stating that we are with St. Paul’s and have two questions about St. Paul’s that we would like your feedback on.  Your responses can be anonymous if you choose.  Only the clergy receive the information.  It is valuable information in helping the clergy to detect trends and make positive adjustments for our wonderful community.  Please return these calls!

 JULIAN GATHERING: This discussion group meets for contemplative prayer and study on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 9:15-10:15 a.m.  Julian of Norwich was a fourteenth century mystic and author of The Revelations of Divine Love.  Julian’s insights serve as a catalyst for discussions on prayer, faith, and other spiritual topics.  The group will be reading Julian’s book again from the beginning, starting on April 25.  This will be a great time to join, although newcomers are always welcome.  Extra copies of the book are available at each meeting. For more information, please contact Lanny Wase at Lannywase@mac.com.

 NEWCOMER MINISTRY will host a Newcomer Gathering today, from 5:00-6:30 p.m. in the Curry Center.  We’ll have a simple supper and time to get to know each other.  If you have visited St. Paul’s recently and would like to chat with the clergy, some ministry leaders, or other new folks like yourself, please come!  It will be casual and friendly.  The Curry Center is located at the north end of the parking lot.  Follow the side walk through the wooded area to the Curry Center.