Worship. Serve. Grow.

What’s Happening in Children’s Ministries (Apr 22, 2018)

Hello Families!

If your family is like mine, we are counting down the days until the last day of school (51 days, by the way).  I am looking forward to a few activities falling off our schedule and long evenings outdoors enjoying the warmth.  But, before we get there, there is still much to do-we are sprinting to the finish of this marathon!

Sunday School has three weeks left and the Sunday School teachers still have plenty of energy and wonderful stories to share.  Sunday School will be held on 4/22, 4/29 and 5/6.  Please be sure to thank your teachers for their generous donation of their time and talents.

Vacation Bible School, Journey to Bethlehem, is also coming up very quickly!  Plans are being made and supplies will need to be ordered soon.  If you haven’t turned in your participant registration form, please do so very soon.  Forms are attached (CLICK HERE) and also in the Narthex and Parish Hall.

This Sunday is the last Sunday to donate clothing to the Note in the Pocket Clothing Drive-our next collection will be this fall.  Please bring in any new or gently used clothing and shoes or new socks and underwear.  Any size or gender is welcome.  The collection bin is located outside the choir room.

Other Children’s News

  • The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket is working toward our 2018 Note in the Pocket Sort Day, scheduled for June 3, 2018.  We have collected $2209.61 toward our goal of $3000.00.
  • Children’s Chapel will be held this Sunday at the 9am service for children ages 3 through 2nd grade.  Sunday School will be held at 10:10am in the Education Building.
  • Communion Classes continue this Sunday!  Please meet Father Javier by the Healing Prayers Station in the Sanctuary after the 9am Service.
  • Parent Communion Class will meet this Sunday at 10:10am.  Please meet Father George in the Kitchen Side of the Youth Wing.
  • Pre-EYC wraps up the year with a family picnic/playground clean up next Sunday, April 29 at 11:15am.  All current 3rd, 4th and 5th graders and their families are invited to attend.


Sunday School this Week:  The Risen Jesus Comes to Dinner

Summary: Soon after he is raised from the dead, Jesus appears to the disciples, but Thomas is not with them. Jesus passes the Holy Spirit onto them in this meeting. When the disciples tell Thomas that they have seen Jesus, he refuses to believe until he has tangible proof, until he can feel Jesus’ wounds himself. The next week, Jesus then appears to the disciples and to Thomas as well, showing him his wounds, which Thomas had insisted he needed to feel. Thomas now believes, saying the words of utter belief: “My Lord and my God” ( John 20:28)

Episcopal Thread: The story of Thomas is told every year on the second Sunday of Easter in the Episcopal Church. It is an important lesson to learn, that Jesus brings peace and blesses faith. Each Sunday in the middle of worship, the celebrant says to the congregation, “The peace of the Lord be always with you.” And then we exchange the peace of Christ with one another, as Jesus must have exchanged it with his followers on that night. There is another perspective on Thomas. In the Episcopal Church, we do not condemn doubt, and so Thomas is not necessarily to be rebuked. In the Anglican faith that so honors and accepts moderation and balance, it is as important to expect that Christians show their faith in their life, as it is for people to “have not yet seen and yet have come to believe.”

Things to wonder with your children:

■■ Who was the story about today?

■■ What were the disciples doing, and what happened to them?

■■ Who had a hard time believing that Jesus had come to them? And how did Thomas and Jesus talk with each other?

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about Children’s Ministries.

See you on Sunday!



Children’s Calendar

Apr. 22 Communion Class #2/Last Day for Note in the Pocket Clothing Collection
Apr. 29 Communion Class #3/Pre-EYC Meets for Year End Celebration Picnic!
May. 6 Communion Celebration 9am Service/Last Day of Sunday School
May. 13 Mother’s Day
May. 20
May. 27 No Children’s Chapel
June. 3 5th Grade Recognition/Note in the Pocket Sort Day
June 18-22 VBS
July. 1 No Children’s Chapel
July. 8 No Children’s Chapel
Aug. 19 No Children’s Chapel
Aug. 26 Backpack Blessings 9am Service
Sept. 9 Sunday School Resumes
Sept. 16 60th Anniversary Celebration
Sept. 23 Pre-EYC begins