Worship. Serve. Grow.

What’s Happening in Children’s Ministries (May 6, 2018)

Yay!  Warm weather and sunshine are finally here and the yellow pollen is almost gone!  I hope all of you are able to enjoy some time outdoors during this lovely week.

This Sunday is a busy one.  We will celebrate our Communion Class Participants and wrap up the 2017-2018 Sunday School year!  Please be sure to thank your Sunday School Teachers and join us in the Parish Hall for a festive coffee hour celebration.  If you can help with Coffee Hour by bringing a non-sweet food item to share (we are providing lots and lots of cake), please sign up here:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c094da4a623a4f58-communion

Children’s Chapel will continue at the 9am Service throughout the summer (with the exceptions of May 27, July 1, July 15 and August 19).  Ms. Sherri and I will be teaching fun lessons, so please join us Sunday mornings this summer!

Children’s News

  • The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket is working toward our 2018 Note in the Pocket Sort Day, scheduled for June 3, 2018.  We have collected $2296.61 toward our goal of $3000.00.
  • Children’s Chapel will be held this Sunday at the 9am service for children ages 3 through 2nd grade.
  • Sunday School Teachers are needed for the 2018-19 School Year!  We have openings in Kindergarten, 3rd grade and 5th grade.  Please contact Christine Ingram for more information.
  • VBS Registration is filling up!  Registration forms are available in the Narthex.  VBS Registration will close on May 27, 2018.

Other News

Many of you know Christa Magee (the children know her as Ms. Christa) who has served as the Part Time Children’s Ministries Assistant since April, 2013.  In her role as Children’s Ministries Assistant Christa has helped with many tasks including Children’s Chapel, VBS, Pre-EYC, Sunday School, administrative support and much more.  Christa has begun a new venture at her full time job and is moving on in her career.  We are thrilled for her!  Her last day working for St. Paul’s is this Sunday, May 6 and we will be recognizing her at the 9am service.  We will miss Ms. Christa’s smile and enthusiasm, but we are so excited for her and happy that we will still get to see her at church ?.  We wish her continued success, happiness and many blessings as she moves on to this new chapter.

Sunday School this Week:  The Story of Peter: From Fisherman to Saint

Summary: The Bible tells several stories of Peter after Jesus’ resurrection. Today we summarize his life as compiled from various sources in the Bible. You may tell all of these stories, or you may tell the single story of the evangelist Peter became after Jesus’ resurrection. In this story in Acts 3, Peter, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, heals a lame man who had asked them for alms. Here we see a Peter who has been empowered by Christ to spread the Good News. Peter is no longer bumbling but confident, no longer a student but a teacher of the new faith.

Episcopal Thread: In the Lesser Feasts and Fasts, the Episcopal book on the celebrations of the church year, we celebrate on January 18 “The Confession of Saint Peter the Apostle.” The book makes its tribute to Peter, ending with:  As we watch Peter struggle with himself, often stumble, love his Lord and deny him, speak rashly and act impetuously, his life reminds us that our Lord did not come to save the godly and strong but to save the weak and sinful. Simon, an ordinary human being, was transformed by the Holy Spirit in the ‘Rock,’ and became the leader of the Church (Lesser Feasts and Fasts, New York: Church Publishing/Church Pension Fund, 2006, p. 132).

Things to wonder with your children:

■■ Who did we talk about today?

■■ Can you say one story about Peter?

■■ In what ways would you like to be like Peter?

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about Children’s Ministries.

See you on Sunday!


Christine Owens Ingram, SPHR
Parish and Human Resources Administrator
Director of Children’s Ministries

Children’s Calendar

May. 6 Communion Celebration 9am Service/Last Day of Sunday School
May. 13 Mother’s Day
May. 20
May. 27 No Children’s Chapel
June. 3 5th Grade Recognition/Note in the Pocket Sort Day
June 18-22 VBS
July. 1 No Children’s Chapel
July. 15 No Children’s Chapel
Aug. 19 No Children’s Chapel
Aug. 26 Backpack Blessings 9am Service
Sept. 9 Sunday School Resumes
Sept. 16 60th Anniversary Celebration
Sept. 23 Pre-EYC begins