Worship. Serve. Grow.

Stewardship Update

November 17, 2019

VISION 2020 for the operating budget is well underway!  As we work, walk, seek, welcome, and care together for a better world, we begin that journey in our little corner at St. Paul’s.  If you have already pledged for next year, we thank you.  If you have not, we encourage you to make the effort and make a pledge today.  Wherever you are in your stewardship journey, start right there and step forward, in faith.  Your commitment in the form of a pledge allows us to plan and grow all the amazing programs and ministries we’re so fortunate to offer at St. Paul’s. Extra pledge forms are available in the Narthex.

We will celebrate Stewardship on Sunday November 24, 2019 with a festive coffee hour and speakers.  If you have already turned in your pledge, we thank you.  If you have not yet had the opportunity, there are extra pledge forms in the Narthex.  You may also click HERE to pledge. Thank you for your commitment to St. Paul’s Vision 2020.

November 3, 2019

VISION 2020: There is excitement, energy, and momentum stemming from your expression of faith in the growth of our programs and ministries.  Fresh opportunities are placed before us at St. Paul’s, and we are eager to support them in the coming year.  We are so grateful for your commitment to the operating budget of St. Paul’s in the form of a pledge for 2020.  We are asking everyone to reflect on their giving and intentionally consider the amount they are pledging.  Prayerfully focus on where your giving is, rather than on the needs of the Parish. You may also click HERE to pledge.

October 27, 2019

VISION 2020: At St. Paul’s, we have a vision for a better world.  A world where we work for justice for all.  A world where we walk with our LGBTQ+ siblings.  A world where we seek racial reconciliation.  A world where we welcome immigrants, refugees, and farmworkers.  And a world where we care for God’s creation.

Work. Walk. Seek. Welcome. Care.

We are so fortunate to have an abundance of programs and ministries here at St. Paul’s to meet our parish needs and those of the greater community.  It is with your pledge that we can plan and grow these programs for all of us to continue to benefit and enjoy.  It is your pledge to the operating budget for 2020 will make the vision a reality.  Extra pledge forms are available in the narthex. You may also click HERE to pledge.

October 20, 2019

VISION 2020: St. Paul’s Vision 2020 campaign for the operating budget is underway!   As we work, walk, seek, welcome, and care together for a better world, we begin that journey in our little corner at St. Paul’s.  Wherever you are in your  giving journey, start right there and step forward, in faith.  Your commitment in the form of a pledge allows us to plan for the future and grow all the amazing programs and ministries we’re so fortunate to offer at St. Paul’s.  Extra pledge forms available in the Narthex. You may also click HERE to pledge.