Worship. Serve. Grow.

Help Make Soup for Arts and Crafts Festival (Nov 9, 2019)

The Fellowship Events Team (FET) would like to thank everyone who was involved in making the BBQ a great success.  We appreciate the effort of all of our committee members in making it happen, despite some last minute glitches.

We will be planning more events for later in the year, but the most important one will be making and serving soup at the St. Paul’s Arts and Crafts Festival to be held on November 9, 2019.  If you would like to help with that, and you are not on the committee, we would love to have you  join us.  We are a great group of people, and we have fun planning and having our events.  The time commitment for our committee is reasonable, and we understand if you can help with one event, but not another.  Our mission is to provide social occasions for people to get together within our church.

Contact either Co-Chair,  Sheila Reilly, SKreilly7@gmail.com  or Raymonde Koonce,  raykoo83@gmail.com .