Worship. Serve. Grow.

Wake County Sponsors Training (May 16, 2018)

Wake County Sponsors has been formed with the goal of working to assemble a locally controlled, broad-based, non-partisan organization capable of taking effective public action to resolve the top pressures facing families and communities across Wake County. St. Paul’s is exploring the idea of joining this effort to build an organization for the common good of Wake County. Many St. Paul’s parishioners have been collaborating with each other as well as members of other congregations and other faiths to talk about ways we can make Wake County better for our families. If you are interested in finding out more, please come to:

When: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 06:00 p.m.
Where: St. Paul’s Parish Hall

Click HERE to sign up.

Learn how to build relational power and move your community into action. For more information, Click HERE for the Wake County Sponsors website. Also feel free to email Javier (javier@stpaulscary.org) or Katie Bricio (katiebricio13@gmail.com).