Worship. Serve. Grow.

Wheels4Hope has Moved to Cary

Wheels4Hope has moved from its Raleigh location and to 411 E. Durham Road in Cary. Now that Wheels4Hope is a Cary neighbor, we are reactivating the Wheels4Hope Outreach Mission at St. Paul’s. In it’s new location, Wheels4Hope is more convenient for St. Paul’s members to volunteer, donate vehicles, and purchase fully repaired used cars. Stop by and check us out. Please visit our website: www.wheels4hope.org.

Wheels4Hope has a need for volunteer car runners, people who drive cars from place to place, and volunteer mechanics of all skill levels. If you are interested, please send a note to Mike Sweeney, mas223@ymail.com.

Donated vehicles are our lifeblood, so we always need those, running or not.