Worship. Serve. Grow.

Sermons by The Rev. Carr Holland (Page 7)

Those Who Humble Themselves will be Exalted

Luke 14:1, 7-14
Growing up we all had assigned places at our table, all six of us. My mom and dad were at opposite ends of the table, my sister and I were on either side of my mom, and my two brothers were on either side of my dad. Meals always began with grace. But my father was the enforcer of manners which were to be taught to us in our childhood as we sat at table…

Sense of Sabbath

Psalm 71:1-6, Luke 13:10-17
I’m going to speculate that since we are here, we have some sense of Sabbath. Sabbath is a time and a place where we intentionally rest ourselves in God. We enter into the heart, mind of God as best we can discern it for a period. We do it by opening scripture, by singing praises, by joining in prayers, by letting the Sacrament work itself into our being…