Worship. Serve. Grow.

Volunteer Opportunity – Ushers

With more parishioner returning to in-person worship services we need more ushers. Ushers greet people at church on Sunday mornings, hand out service bulletins, collect the offering, and assist the congregation at Communion time.

This ministry provides an opportunity for people to participate in the worship services at St. Paul’s. Ushering is also a crucial component of helping newcomers and visitors form a positive first impression of the church. Persons considering becoming an usher should have an outgoing personality (or be willing to develop one!) and enjoy meeting and welcoming people.

Ushers serve at all three worship services every Sunday morning. Typically, volunteers serve one service once a month and at times are called upon to assist at funerals or other special services.

Be the face of St. Paul’s on Sunday morning! To become an usher or for more information on this ministry, contact Steve East at eastnc0117@gmail.com. We especially need volunteers for the 11:15 service.